Dreher Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy, Personal Training and Massage
Orthopedics, Geriatrics, Neurology and Rheumatology
Your Rights as a Patient
At Tim Dreher Physical Therapy, we support your right to know about your health and illness, and your right to participate in decisions that affect your well-being. Our own statement of patients' rights, incorporating state and federal law, describes the medical center’s commitment to protecting your rights.
You have the right to receive medical care that meets the highest standards of TDPT regardless of your race, religion, national origin, any disability or handicap, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, military service, or the source of payment for your care.
You have the right to be treated respectfully by others, and to be addressed by your proper name without undue familiarity.
You have the right to seek and receive all the information necessary for you to understand your medical situation.
You have the right to know the identity and the role of individuals involved in your care.
You have the right to a full explanation of any research study in which you may be asked to participate.
You have the right to access your medical records.
You have the right not to be exposed to the smoking of others.
You have the right to take part in decisions relating to your health care.
You have the right to appropriate assessment and management of pain.
You have the right to receive information about how you can get assistance with concerns,
problems, or complaints about the quality of care or service you receive, and to initiate a formal grievance process with TDPT or with state regulatory agencies.
You have the right to have your spiritual and cultural needs addressed within the capacity of the medical center.
You have the right to obtain a copy of the rules and regulations of the medical center that apply to your role as a patient.
If you have any issues, please contact:
Massachusetts Department of Public Health: 800-462-5540 or 617-753-8150